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Ah yes, the fun continues.  There's nothing like instant gratification for a photographer!  Forget the Instamatic, because digital photography is where it's at.  I have started trying out the many different manual settings, and the results are on the next few pages.  Many of these pictures have been cropped and downsized, but very few have been through the "digital darkroom".  I'll let you know which ones have been spruced up as we go.


The subject of the first two pictures is obvious.  These
were taken in macro mode in a very poorly-lit kitchen.

It's even better with Crown Royal!  That's one big tab


This is an elk that committed suicide by running its head through the wall.  I believe it was distraught due to its inability to operate a child-proof lighter.  The first picture is the original shot, downsized from 1600x1200 to 400x300.  The second shot is a cropping of the photo at its original size.  I don't recall any special camera settings for this shot.

Got a light?

Somebody check his ID


A knife after making Sierra and myself some PB&Js.  I just liked the colors.
(The second shot is a cropping of the full-size photo)


Looks dangerous for a butter knife


A spider's den among the bricks of the house.  Must be time to spray again.
(The second shot is a cropping of the full-size photo)

The itsy bitsy spider... sprayed by the Orkin man


Of course there are more pictures.  It's me, remember?


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