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Here are a few more macro shots, a few of them gross.  Just for fun.


A five-dollar bill.  All I have left after buying the camera.
(Send more money and I'll send you more pictures)

How'd you like the play Mr. Lincoln? DUCK!

Who doesn't like this shade of green?

All others pay cash.


Here are some "gross" pictures.  First, a mole on my arm:

Holy Moly


Then, a dog-scratch on my Dad's arm:

Dog scratch fever?


Now, a slug and a centipede discussing world events.

So the rolly-polly says to the ant....


Just some sunglasses.  They were handy at the time.
(So you don't move on with slugs on the brain)

Not quite rose-colored

But then, I'm a cynic.


Yep, there's more.


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