Nikon Coolpix 700

Here are my very first pictures with the Nikon Coolpix 700.   The camera was set at "Normal Compression" at a resolution of 1600x1200.   This is two settings below the best quality setting available.  (I was pretty sure you didn't want a page that took 3 hours to load.)  The camera was also set to "auto" mode, since I haven't had a chance to really play with all of the settings yet.  In fact, I was taking pictures within 5 minutes of removing the camera from the box!  The only "digital darkroom" work that has been done to these photos was a bit of cropping and resizing (1600x1200 is huge).

These first four pictures were taken in "macro" mode.   These turned out surprisingly well, considering the fact that I didn't use a tripod or even brace myself against anything.  The shots of the "Mystery Tree Thingies" were tough, as I had to cram myself between the branches to take the pictures.




Big Money


The below pictures are an ongoing mystery.  I noticed these odd growths in the pin
oak tree outside, and no one has been able to figure out what they are.  The
spines are just like thorns, solid and wood-like.  If anyone knows what they are,
or a good plant/tree expert, please let me know!

(UPDATE 07-22-99)
Mystery solved.  These are "Horned Oak Galls", caused by a tiny wasp that lays eggs in
the leaves and stems of the tree.  Thanks to David Hillock, Consumer Horticulturist,
Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, at Oklahoma State University.

Mystery Guest


Mystery Guest


These pictures were taken at "Normal" Setting
(as opposed to "Macro")

This is Squeak, a cat who adopted us after his owners left him behind.



And, of course, you all know my darling Sierra, who has taken it upon herself to
run wildly about the house.  As you might notice by the bruise on her
forehead, she doesn't always clear the doorways as she flies from room to room.



As I promised, additional pages have been posted!


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